Birthday wishes to myself:
Way to go T for making it another year, and not completely screwing up your life. This year has been a success I believe.
Lets roll through the higlights, and the lows.
Sweet job, amazing tan lines, good stories, creating friendships and relationships that will never end.
Freshmen year of college, Sweet friends, new guy pool that I dipped my feet into slightly, no success, first experience living with girls (unusally successful given my past with the female kind)
Sweet job, lived at home with my parents (well partly, they were always gone so I had the whole house to my self most of the time) Full size bed again what a relief, Colts lost in the super bowl (probably the low light of my year) moved back to Rexburg, Break-up, new roomates (again successful), and freezed my butt off ( probably my least favorite part).
Still freezing, New classes, more men, dissappointment, lots of library time, lots of dance parites.
No heat, still studying, lots of dates (no success, where have all the good men gone?) Waiting for the rest of the summer
Goals for the 19th year:
Party on.
Love always from a older much wiser