There are very few men that come into my life and stay for an extended period of time.
S/J- Congrats you are going the distance. It must not be easy, but you are extraordinary.
Maybe I repell men, well if I am wearing some form of man DEET then S/J you are the pesky bugger that keeps coming back for more. I adore you.
There are very few people who accept me the way I am. S/J does.
S/J maybe you should start composing some sort of
"How to react to T manual or something" I'm sure you would make a fortune.
"How to react to T manual or something" I'm sure you would make a fortune.
I'm sorry to those that I offend ; you just don't understand me.
S/J Is one of my best friends.
He listens, he talks, He jokes (sometimes they are extremely lame, but I appreciate them all the same. That rhymed, neat). He dances, he is compassionate, he is silly, and wild.
I enjoy our conversations about everything that is wrong in our lives. Our love of comedy, our love of making fun of other people publicly, our brutal honesty with one another, and our friendship that has turned him into something of a brother to me.
S/J is some of the things that I wish I was.
Wish list of qualities S/J has:
- Charitable. I think of T before any one else. Just lookin out for number one.
- Strength. I am buff I know it, but that is not what I am referring to. He has gone through so much and is still an exceptional human being.
- The man is resilient. I am cruel to him. I mean BRUTAL, and he still loves me.
- Accepting. he is a collecter of weirdos. He loves people who have the strangest of qualities and he attracts them like a magnet. (take T for example. I am not so normal, but I am ok with it.)
- He is smooth. He may/may not get shot down a lot, but that doesnt stop him.
Needless to say S/ J has many qualites I wish I did.
Men may come and go, but S/J is here to stay. -- Well that is until he makes me angry again.
I can see S/J and I bickering and lauging even into our old age.
I am afraid of any man that comes into my life because he will have to get S/J's approval.
I love you S/J and you know it,
Miss T.