Monday, June 6, 2011

Hello twenty. Goodbye H.

I'm no longer a teenager.

Hello true adulthood.

Way to go T. Another year older. I am excited to report that you are a better person that you were last year. Older, wiser, smarter.

I think I finally have a grip on the filter between my brain and my mouth, I at least like to think so.

I also believe that age is softening me. I cry all the time. Its pathetic.

Im vastly more aware of the social and spiritual reprocussions of my actions, and I love it.

Plan for the 20's:

Get married

Start a family

Graduate from college

Graduate from grad school

See 10 new countries --

(one each year? That seems reasonable)

Be a better person than I was the day before.

Rule the world. Just kidding, kind of.

Pinky and the brain would be proud.

On another note--

2 years is a long time. A really long time.

Its hard enough to wait a week for something; letting the anticipation build, but two years seems ridiculous. How do people do this?

H, is leaving.

The things that he has said have had an enormous impact on my thoughts.

His birthday note to me was so sweet I giggled like a tween for an hour. Kind of embarassing, but I couldnt help it.

His adventure is going to be incredible.

2 years and the next ten will pass quickly im sure of it.

But not too quickly please. make sure to take advantage of it. Love yourself, love others, love experience. Never let your experiences be dull or not worth while. Make each day memorable. Take advantage of each expereince that is thrown your way.

Here's to a great twenty-frist year of life,


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