Monday, August 8, 2011

Dream interpretation while avoiding Freud

I had the strangest dream the other night.
First, before I explain the dream please realize that I tried to make every Freudian assumption I could and nothing dirty ever came of it. Trust me I tried.
There is nothing scandalous that can be derived from this dream. Sad? Yes.

I am driving in my beautiful and sexy automobile.
Along side me a peacock is running beside me.
I am running from him.
When I finally rush into my house there is a knock at the door.
When i open the door there stands the peacock.
He speaks up and asks for his feathers back.

What the devil can this mean?

I told this dream to my mother and we sat in the car contemplating what it means.

She said that Peacocks symbolizes attitude, and the peacock was asking for its attitude back.

I am open to suggestions. G could be right I suppose.

With much attitude,


  1. Honestly all I could think about while reading your post is that song "peacock" by kay perry.

  2. I dont think that I have heard that song, but now i need to listen to it.
