Saturday, September 3, 2011

Love spelled backwards.

This is the story. 

K and I were at a youth event. 
I was 16 and K had just turned 17. 

In a wild game of some extreme version of kick ball I plowed him over. 
I took him out, all 6'1" 200 lbs of him and I tackled him.
Graceful, yes? 

Oh man did I have a crush. 
He was a senior, I was a junior. 
We had seminary together. 

I admired his strong shoulders and messy frock of hair from behind. I giggled nervously.  
He adopted the name of shoulders among me and my friends. 
That pair of shoulders was quite nice. 

I asked him out. 
Yup-- I had the gumption to ask him out first. 

I arranged a date right after thanksgiving that year and it was a disaster. 

Did I give up? Of course not. 

I asked him out again. 
I arranged balloons outside his house. 
 It was Winter formal.
I looked darling in a monochromatic fitted dress and bubblegum pink pumps. He wore a pink tie and looked dashing. He even got a haircut for the occasion. 

I honestly couldn't tell you what happened the rest of the night.

Then on February the 4th we became official. 

We spent all of the free time we could with one another. 
lots of: 
Hanging out at my house. 

His parents didn't like me much. 

He asked me to prom. We looked adorable. And we were in love. 

He graduated. And we spent the summer together. 
More in love than ever. 

Fall came and we split. 
He to Virginia and I stayed where I was.  

Eventually we broke up. Hearts broken, and hurtful things said. 

3 years later here I am. 

He left to serve a mission in California. 
He tracked me down. 

We write. long meaningful letters. 
He apologized and so did I. 

K gets back soon. 

What now? 

Friends? Oh I hope so. 
He was one of my bests. 
best everything. 

I guess in 9 weeks time will tell all. 
Or maybe his next letter will be more shocking than the last.

Still rocking the bubble gum pink shoes, 

1 comment:

  1. Two years is a long time. I think the two years while Perry was on his mission were probably the worst of my life, but now I get to have the happiest years of my life with him! (even if all of them aren't the best) I hope you guys get to reconnect. Its an adventure
